Safety rules for the domain of Accelerators and Experiment Safety
Safety rules according to the new classification
Safety rules according to the old classification
Safety Code A5 - Safety of apparatus for experiments (1990)
The aim is to establish regulations for the construction, installation, testing and operation of experimental apparatus. It sets up the responsibilities between host Departments and outside institutes.
Safety Note NS 19 - Principles to be observed by safety officers depending on the operational state of an experiment (1990)
This is an aid to interpreting Safety Code A5. It defines the operational states of experiments, i.e. "Data taking or test period" or "Off".
In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.
Other Documents of interest for the domain of Accelerators and Experiment Safety
Initial Safety Information on Experiments at CERN form.
Safety guide for experiments (2003)
This document edited by PH Department is a serious attempt to help any physicist who comes to or works at CERN. It gathers all information concerning the safety organisation for experiments, access conditions into experimental areas and safety measures to observe.