


Safety rules for the domain of Safety Organisation and Procedures

Safety rules according to the new classification

Safety Procedure SP-R1 - Safety Procedure for establishing, updating and publishing CERN Safety rules en fr
This procedure presents the structure of CERN Safety rules and defines the course of actions to be followed in order to establish, update and publish them.

Safety rules according to the old classification

Safety Code A9 - Safety responsibilities in the Divisions (2003) en fr
This code describes in general terms the Safety responsibilities of people in the normal departmental executive line, i.e. the Department Leader, Group and Section Leaders, other personnel, as well as those of the Department Safety Officer and other Safety agents. It is applied in conjunction with the "Safety Policy at CERN" document.
Details relevant only to particular departments, and other special circumstances, will be set out in the corresponding Departmental Safety Plans described in the Annex to this code.

Safety Code A10 - The SAPOCO and Safety Officiers' Committees (2003) en fr
In application of the "Safety Policy at CERN" document, this Safety Code describes the functions, the structure and the operational procedures for the CERN Safety Policy Committee (SAPOCO) and the Departmental Safety Officers Committee (DSOC).
Chapter 2 of Safety Code A10 abolished by "The Safety Policy Committee". en fr

In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.

Other documents of interest for the domain of Safety Organisation and Procedures

Special Health and Safety Committee (CSHS) (2002) en fr

Statutory rules of the CISSCT (2001) en fr

CERN/DSU-DO/RH/9335 (1999) en fr.

Texts and abstracts on these web pages are for information only. Only the Safety rules are legally binding.

Copyright CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research.