


Safety rules for the domain of Work Organisation

Safety rules according to the new classification


Safety rules according to the old classification

Safety Code A3 - Safety colours and safety signs (1992) en fr
This code defines for CERN the standard safety colours and safety signs (European or specific to CERN) to give information on existing risks or dangers and to indicate an interdiction, a warning, a mandatory action, an emergency escape, or the location and identification of first-aid and fire-fighting equipment. It is based on the EEC Directive 91/C53/06.

Safety Code A4 - Confined spaces (1997) en fr
Definition is given of confined spaces (tanks, pits, pressure vessels, physics equipment, etc.). Attention is drawn to the dangers arising e.g. from toxic gases or vapours, to the marking (notices), the responsibilities for entry procedures in these spaces (issues of entry permit), the steps to be taken before or during work (isolation of installations), the safety measures to respect, the working conditions, the individual protection and rescue equipment.

Safety Code A6 - The two-person rule of working (1982) en fr
The purpose is to limit the consequences of accidents or sudden illness. As a general rule, staff must not work alone where a significant hazard exists. (see also NS8)

Safety Code A8 - Protection against noise (1993) en fr
The purpose of this code is to lay down the rules to be followed to protect people and the environment against the risks and harmful effects of exposure to noise generated by equipment or installations at CERN. Tables give the sound levels characteristics, limits of exposure, permissible average noise levels. A chapter deals with the medical examinations recommended in case of exposure to repeated or high noise levels.

Safety Code A9 - Safety responsibilities in the Divisions (2003) en fr
This code describes in general terms the Safety responsibilities of people in the normal departmental executive line, i.e. the Department Leader, Group and Section Leaders, other personnel, as well as those of the Department Safety Officer and other Safety agents. It is applied in conjunction with the "Safety Policy at CERN" document.
Details relevant only to particular departments, and other special circumstances, will be set out in the corresponding Departmental Safety Plans described in the Annex to this code.

Safety Code G - Flammable gases & CERN flammable Gas Safety Manual (1996) en fr
This code establishes regulations for the purchase, transport, storage, distribution and use of flammable gases at CERN, to protect users and others inside and outside CERN. It si particularly directed at the regulation of the use of gases in experimental installations for the detection of particles, for which industrial rules do not exist.
It is supplemented by the Flammable Gas Safety Manual prepared to help users, especially experimental teams. This manual is in two sections: the first devoted mainly to the formal requirements necessary for the design, operation and maintenance of installations, including risk classification and the official forms which have to be completed. The second section details the rules and good practice and refers to other codes pertinent to the safe use of flammable gases.
For new activities and existing activities with binding occupational exposure limit, Safety Regulation SR-C , General Safety Instruction GSI-C2 and other related General Safety Instructions, including applicable CERN Safety rules and laws, cancel and replace the corresponding provisions of Safety Code G.
For existing activities without binding occupational exposure limit, the organic unit concerned shall implement the provisions of Safety Regulation SR-C, General Safety Instructio GSI-C2 and other related General Safety Instructions not later than 1 January 2012. Until such implementation, the corresponding provisions of Safety Code G shall continue to apply.

Safety Instruction IS 4 Rev. - Safety inspections (2006) en fr
Definition of responsibilities and organisational aspects concerning safety inspections, with emphasis for buildings.

Safety Instruction IS 7 - Individual protection (1993) en fr
This instruction is based on the European Directive 89/656/CEE concerning minimal safety and health requirements for the use of individual protective equipment when hazards cannot be prevented or adequately limited by collective technical protective measures.
Concerning chemical individual protection, refer to the set of Chemical Safety rules which cancel and replace the corresponding provisions within this Safety Instruction IS 7.

Safety Instruction IS 22 - Rules for the safe use of lasers at CERN (1994) en fr The radiation produced by lasers may be hazardous to the human eye and skin. It may also present fire or explosion risks. Lasers have been classified according to their exposure hazards. Conditions for use and warning labels and notices are recorded.

Safety Instruction IS 23 - Criteria and Standard Test Methods for the Selection of Electric Cables and Wires with Respect to Fire Safety and Radiation Resistance (2005) en fr
This instruction is based on the latest standards and recommendations to ensure a very high level of safety against hazards associated with smoke, toxicity and corrosivity from burning plastics. It summarizes the required properties for the different materials and cable types and is applicable to all types of cables and wires and other insulated parts to be used in CERN installations.

Safety Instruction IS 39 - Notice of Start of Works (Avis d'ouverture de chantier) (2000) en fr
Work performed by firms (civil engineering or installation of infrastructure or equipment) on the CERN site shall be contingent on a "Notice of Start of Works" drawn up by the works supervisor before the work starts. The aim is to draw attention to the risks and problems caused in the surrounding work, and to ensure a good collaboration between the firms and all services affected.

Safety Instruction IS 41 - The use of plastic and other non-metallic materials at CERN with respect to fire safety and radiation resistance (2005) en fr
This instruction is intended to ensure a very high level of safety and must be applied to all new installations at CERN, including modifications to existing installations. CERN attaches great importance to the hazards associated with the density, toxicity and corrosiveness of smoke from burning plastics. The document is complemented by tables of standards and specifications for the selection of plastics, and guidelines for their use.

Safety Instruction IS 42 - Compressed gas bottles (1995) en fr
Safety rules for the transport, use and storing of cylinders to avoid fire or explosion hazards.

Safety Instruction IS 47 - The use of cryogenics fluids (1998) en fr
The cooling and operation of superconducting RF cavities and magnetsystems for particle accelerators and magnets for detectors demande large quantities of cryogenic fluids. These fluids may generate health hazards for cryogenic personnel (asphyxiation, burns, etc.). A number of precautions or measures must be taken toprevent accidents and injuries, for instance: protective clothing, vent lines, alarm and shutdown systems or pressure relief devices.

Safety Instruction IS 48 - Fire prevention for cables, cable trays and conduits (2001) en fr
This Safety Instruction defines rules and other preventive measures for cable fires. It lists the most common fire risks for cables and conduits. Mandatory precautions are specifically aimed at preventing cable fires in physics experiments where confined spaces, higher vicinity risks and lack of effective electrical protections add up to an increased risk of ignition.

Safety Instruction IS 50 - Safety Coordination on CERN Worksites (2004) en fr
Workers employed by different Employers may share the same worksites. In the course of executing their own work, employees may find themselves in the presence of activities unrelated to their own. Such co-activities have to be well coordinated in order to guarantee safe working conditions. This is the object of "safety coordination".

Safety Note NS 3 - Fire prevention for enclosed spaces in large halls (2001) en fr
Recommendations for the choice of materials, installations and use of these large halls, and reminder of fire prevention actions to be taken.

Safety Note NS 7 - Recommendations for the safe use of uranium at CERN (1979) en
Description of the properties of uranium and of the radiation hazards (external or internal irradiation). Reminder of the procedure to be followed before any order of uranium pieces.

Safety Note NS 8 - Two-person rule of working(1982) en fr
As a general rule, personnel must not work alone if a significant hazard exists. This note gives examples of activities and situations where such a rule should apply.

Safety Note NS 10 - Action to be taken after a fire involving the evolution of corrosive gases (1994) en fr
How to minimize the damages due to a fire before expert help can arrive? This note informs on the first steps to be carried out immediately.

Safety Note NS 16 - Rules concerning the transport of radioactive material (1997) en fr
These rules are intended to minimize the amount of ionizing radiation, or the benefit of anyone applying for transport and of those responsible for the supervision.

Safety Note NS 19 - Principles to be observed by safety officers depending on the operational state of an experiment (1990) en fr
This is an aid to interpreting Safety Code A5. It defines the operational states of experiments, i.e. "Data taking or test period" or "Off".

Safety Note NS 22 - Warming appliances during excavation work (1992) fr
Warning appliances (ribbons or grids) must be installed to signalize the presence of underground cables or ducts, so as to avoid for instance cutting or breakage during excavation work.

Safety Note NS 26 - Reminder on basic safety rules for workshops (1992) en fr
These general safety rules are mainly intended for the use of common machines-tools, for welding work or other tasks performed in workshops. This note must be posted in all workshops.

Safety Note NS 28 - CERN exhibition fire precautions (2002) en fr
This Safety Note is intended to lay down the safety precautions to be respected by exhibitors to ensure the safety of persons present in a CERN building where a temporary exhibition is being arranged.

Safety Note NS 29 - Fire Prevention for Insulating Core (Sandwich) Panel Structures for Inside Use Guidelines For Selection, Installation and Use (2004) en fr
This Safety Note describes the safety requirements for design, construction and use of insulated core (sandwich) panels structures. It also gives complementary measures for the adoption, as insulating core, of materials whose use is restricted by the Safety Instruction IS 41.

In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.

Other Documents of interest for the domain of Work Organisation

Safety Bulletin 2006-04 - Rules concerning the use of scaffolding en fr
Two people climbed onto scaffolding that had not yet passed a safety check. While they were working on the top platform at a height of 6 metres, the scaffolding toppled over and was only prevented from falling right over by a row of racks. Fortunately, the two people were not injured.

Safety Bulletin 2006-03 - Wearing a safety harness can save your life! en fr
An operator was fixing a cable shelf at the top of a clean room and lost his balance.

Safety Bulletin 2006-02 - Laying false flooring: preventing falls en fr
Several falls have occurred during the last 2 months on sites where false flooring has had to be laid.
Some of the falls resulted in days off work.

Safety Bulletin 2004-02 - Take your time to be safe en fr
A recent crane accident was due to the fact that the operating mode of a lifting activity had been modified on site in the last minute.

Safety Bulletin 2004-01 - Safety Devices - Your protection en fr
A recent crane accident was due to the fact that safety devices had been disabled and not re-enabled afterwards.

Safety Bulletin 2003-01 - Work well-prepared, personnel well-protected! en fr
While measuring the voltage of a disconnector on an overhead crane, a violent short circuit occurred. The person involved, who was not wearing any safety equipment for work at heights, was very lucky not to have been thrown backwards because there was a 3-metre drop behind him which could have been fatal. He did, however, have his hands seriously burnt from the heat.

Safety Bulletin 2002-04 - Know the risks en fr
Recently a person suffered severe burns during an intervention on a high voltage installation.

Safety Bulletin 2002-01 - How to prevent falls, slips and trips en fr
The most frequent cause of accident at work, from heavy industry to offices is that of people slipping, tripping up or falling. By complying with French and Swiss work place legislation, in particular that on emergency evacuation in case of fire, you can contribute to the prevention of such accidents.

Safety Bulletin 2001-01 - Avoid accidents of electrical origin through safety training
Following an high voltage accident with an ion pump the safety bulletin recollects legal requirements at CERN. Emphasis is put on training and prevention. Links to the legal background are given.

Safety Bulletin 1999-02 - Repeated evacuation alarms
The users of a CERN building had an unwelcome surprise on three separate occasions and three days apart: the alarm was sounded and they had to clear the building. Recommendations on how to avoid such events are given.

Safety Bulletin 1998-01 - Check your equipment before use
An example is given of an accident which occurred due to a defective multi-socket box. Reminder: portable electric tools also are subject to periodic inspections. The Electricity section of the ST-TFM Group may be called on request.

Safety Bulletin 1996-01 - No tampering with safety equipment!
Tamperings made by an unqualified person caused the explosion of the flow meter of a pressure regulator. It is recalled that dismantling of pressure regulators is strictly forbidden and is considered as a professional misconduct.

Safety Bulletin 1993-01 - Outside contractors and basic radiation safety rules at CERN
An incident that happened in a secondary beam area has revealed that the basic safety rules were not observed, neither by the contractor's personnel nor by the CERN supervisors. The lack of information and communication is the cause of such incidents, which unfortunately have occurred many times in previous years.

Safety Form - Entry permit for work in a confined space en fr

Safety Form - Disabling of level 3 alarm en fr
Please now use if possible the EDH version.

ISIEC Form en
Initial Safety Information on Experiments at CERN form.

ISI Laser Form .doc en .pdf en
Initial Safety Information on Laser form.

Internal transfer document for Basic Nuclear Material en

Safety Form C-0-0-1 - Chemical risk assessment en

Safety Form C-1-0-3 - Test of safety showers / eyes washes en

Safety Form C-1-0-4 - Respirator use en

Safety Form C-2-0-1 - Explosion risk assessment en

Safety Form C-2-0-2 - Classification of hazardous areas en

Safety Form C-2-0-3 - Declaration/Cancellation of the use of flammable gas in an experiment area en

Safety Form - Fire Permit EDH
To be completed in accordance with Code E.
The paper version can only be used for unplanned/urgent work starting within less than 3 days. en fr

Safety Form - Notice of start of work (AOC) en fr

Safety at CERN Leaflet (2004) en fr
Safety is a matter of vital importance for all who work at CERN and also for our environment. We must strive for an outstanding record in this domain just as much as in physics.

Overall safety coordination and health protection plan (PGC) (2001) en fr
This Overall Safety and Health Protection Plan (PGCSPS) has been drawn up in the framework of the LHC project for the dismantling of LEP and the LEP experiments, the installation of the LHC and the LHC experiments. This will included the construction and adaptation of the infrastructure and equipment.

Guide for drawing up an PPSPS (2001) en fr
Guide for drawing up an PPSPS (Special Safety and Health Protection Plan).

TIS/TE/MI-CM-00-14 - Recommendations for on-site installation of welded pressurized pipelines en
Welders' qualification for welding work on pressurized or vacuum pipes and vessels at CERN (this document replaces TIS/GS/GR/ir/94-01).

Texts and abstracts on these web pages are for information only. Only the Safety rules are legally binding.

Copyright CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research.