Safety rules for the domain of Accidents and Near Misses
Safety rules according to the new classification
Safety rules according to the old classification
Safety Code A2 Rev.3 - Reporting of accidents and near misses (2005)
The objective of this code is to ensure that all CERN units concerned with treating accidents are informed and preventive measures are established to avoid a reoccurrence. Safety Form - Internal accident report (EDH) shall be used for reporting.
Safety Code A11 - Administrative Procedure following a serious Accident or Incident (2003)
In application of the "Safety Policy at CERN" document, this code describes the proper administrative procedure to be followed in the event of a serious accident or incident (Fact-Finding Report, Accident Board, Committee of Enquiry).
Safety Instruction IS 51 - Operational and information procedures in response to accident(2005)
The scope of this safety instruction is to describe operational procedures in response to accidents, to assure coordination of interventions, both at CERN and with outside emergency services as well as the transmission of information within CERN and in case of need to the Host States Authorities and media. The adopted procedures depend on the seriousness level assigned to the event.
Safety Note NS 10 - Action to be taken after a fire involving the evolution of corrosive gases (1994)
How to minimize the damages due to a fire before expert help can arrive? This note informs on the first steps to be carried out immediately.
In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.
Other Documents of interest for the domain of Accidents and Near Misses
Safety Bulletins -
In most of cases, Safety Bulletins are published following an incident or an event that could have generated an accident. Therefore elementary Safety rules should be reminded. Safety Bulletins could then be used to find a solution to similar problems or to draw the interest of users which could propose the publication by the SC Safety Commission of new Safety Bulletins. en
Safety Form - Internal accident report EDH
To be completed in accordance with Code A2 Rev.3.
If you do not have an EDH account and only in this case, please use the paper version. en
Safety Form - Monthly time sheet and accidents report
Monthly time sheet and accidents report for the firms working on the CERN domain.
Safety at CERN - Leaflet (2004)
Safety is a matter of vital importance for all who work at CERN and also for our environment. We must strive for an outstanding record in this domain just as much as in physics.