


Safety rules for the domain of Radiation Protection

Safety rules according to the new classification


Safety rules according to the old classification

Safety Code F Rev. - Radiation Protection (2006) en fr
The code sets out the basic principles of radiation protection and the rules for protection of occupationally exposed persons at CERN and for protection of the public and the environment. The rules include exposure limits for occupational exposure and exposure for members of the public, classification of areas, optimisation (ALARA) including job planning, management of radioactive waste and management of radioactive materials and sources.

Safety Code F - Radiation Safety Manual (1996) en fr
This code is superseded by code “Radiation Protection (2006)”. However, safety instructions for radiation protection contained in this manual remain valid for a transition period.

Safety Code U1 - Procedure for the control of Basic Nuclear Materials on the CERN domain (1994) en fr
This code aims at establishing regulations for the control of depleted uranium, deuterium, enriched lithium, thorium, etc., and applies to all activities concerning import, export, transfer and use of fissile materials by the Organisation for purposes of scientific research. It determines the responsibilities of the BNM Controller and of other services (i.e. transport and distribution) and draws attention to the duties and obligations of users groups.

Safety Note NS 7 - Recommendations for the safe use of uranium at CERN (1979) en
Description of the properties of uranium and of the radiation hazards (external or internal irradiation). Reminder of the procedure to be followed before any order of uranium pieces.

Safety Note NS 16 - Rules concerning the transport of radioactive material (1997) en fr
These rules are intended to minimize the amount of ionizing radiation, for the benefit of anyone applying for transport and of those responsible for the supervision.

In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.

Other Documents of interest for the domain of Radiation Protection

Safety Bulletin 1999-01 - Handling of depleted uranium
A fire broke out in building 887 (the experimental hall EHN1) on the Prevessin site during dismantling work of an calorimeter of the NA34 experiment, containing 80 absorber plates made of depleted uranium (DU). The CERN Fire Brigade intervened immediately and extinguished the fire, while soon afterwards the Radiation Protection Group undertook all necessary measurements in the hall and subsequent actions to remove all traces of contamination. Although the incident had no consequences, the outcome could have been serious. This safety bulletin is intended to present the hazards posed by DU and gives recommendations for a safe handling.

Safety Bulletin 1993-01 - Outside contractors and basic radiation safety rules at CERN
An incident that happened in a secondary beam area has revealed that the basic safety rules were not observed, neither by the contractor's personnel nor by the CERN supervisors. The lack of information and communication is the cause of such incidents, which unfortunately have occurred many times in previous years.

Safety Form - Internal transfer document for Basic Nuclear Material en

Safety Procedure Radiation Protection procedures list.

Texts and abstracts on these web pages are for information only. Only the Safety rules are legally binding.

Copyright CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research.