


Safety rules for the domain of Machines, Tools and Equipement

Safety rules according to the new classification


Safety rules according to the old classification

Safety Code A3 - Safety colours and safety signs (1992) en fr
This code defines for CERN the standard safety colours and safety signs (European or specific to CERN) to give information on existing risks or dangers and to indicate an interdiction, a warning, a mandatory action, an emergency escape, or the location and identification of first-aid and fire-fighting equipment. It is based on the EEC Directive 91/C53/06.

Safety Code A8 - Protection against noise (1993) en fr
The purpose of this code is to lay down the rules to be followed to protect people and the environment against the risks and harmful effects of exposure to noise generated by equipment or installations at CERN. Tables give the sound levels characteristics, limits of exposure, permissible average noise levels. A chapter deals with the medical examinations recommended in case of exposure to repeated or high noise levels.

Safety Instruction IS 4 Rev. - Safety inspections (2006) en fr
Definition of responsibilities and organisational aspects concerning safety inspections, with emphasis for buildings.

Safety Instruction IS 34 - Glass windows (1988) en fr
This applies to any type of glass-ware loaded by a differential pressure. Design rules, testing a

Safety Note NS 26 - Reminder on basic safety rules for workshops (1993) en fr
These general safety rules are mainly intended for the use of common machines-tools, for welding work or other tasks performed in workshops. This note must be posted in all workshops.

In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.

Other Documents of interest for the domain of Machines, Tools and Equipement

Safety Bulletin 2006-04 - Rules concerning the use of scaffolding en fr
Two people climbed onto scaffolding that had not yet passed a safety check. While they were working on the top platform at a height of 6 metres, the scaffolding toppled over and was only prevented from falling right over by a row of racks. Fortunately, the two people were not injured.

Safety Bulletin 2005-01 - Portable electrical tools with magnetic feet - Attach before using en fr
The drill was being used upside down but was not attached. During drilling the magnetic foot detached from the metal surface. The drill which continued to turn struck the operator in the face. The drill fell when the drill bit broke.

Texts and abstracts on these web pages are for information only. Only the Safety rules are legally binding.

Copyright CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research.