


Safety rules for the domain of Safety Systems

Safety rules according to the new classification


Safety rules according to the old classification

Safety Instruction IS 5 - Emergency stops (2001) en fr
Description of the two types of emergency stops (general and local emergency stops), definition of the buildings or areas to be equipped, and effects due to these emergency stops on power supplies or accelerators. Exceptions and rules for safety equipment.

Safety Instruction IS 37 - Alarms and alarm systems (2003) en fr
The object is to define safety alarms and to establish general rules for the installation, maintenance, disabling, and layout of safety alarm systems generating level 3 alarms. The EDH version of the disabling form is now mandatory.

Safety Note NS 22 - Warning appliances during excavation work (1992) fr
Warning appliances (ribbons or grids) must be installed to signalize the presence of underground cables or ducts, so as to avoid for instance cutting or breakage during excavation work.

In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.

Other Documents of interest for the domain of Safety Systems

Safety Bulletin 1999-02 - Repeated evacuation alarms
The users of a CERN building had unwelcome surprise on three separate occasions and three days apart: the alarm was sounded and they had to clear the building. Recommendations on how to avoid such events are given.

Safety Bulletin 1996-01 - No tampering with safety equipment !
Tamperings made by an unqualified person caused the explosion of the flow meter of a pressure regulator. It is recalled that dismantling of pressure regulators is strictly forbidden and is considered as a professional misconduct.

Safety Form - Disabling of level 3 alarm en fr
Please now use if possible the EDH version

Texts and abstracts on these web pages are for information only. Only the Safety rules are legally binding.

Copyright CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research.