


Safety rules for the domain of Fire Safety

Safety rules according to the new classification


Safety rules according to the old classification

Safety Code E - Fire protection (1995) en fr
This code sets out the fire prevention and protection rules and procedures to be followed in order to ensure primarily the safety and well-being of anyone and to protect the property on CERN's premises. It lays down the procedures to be observed concerning the construction, alteration and use of buildings or installations, the safety standards for furniture and contents of buildings and the procedure applicable to the fire permit for work with "hot" tools. It gives information on fire-detection and extinguishing appliances and provides essential information in the event of a fire.

Safety Code G - Flammable gases & CERN flammable Gas Safety Manual (1996) en fr
This code establishes regulations for the purchase, transport, storage, distribution and use of flammable gases at CERN, to protect users and others inside and outside CERN. It is particularly directed at the regulation of the use of gases in experimental installations for the detection of particles, for which industrial rules do not exist. It is supplemented by the Flammable Gas Safety Manual prepared to help users, especially experimental teams. This manual is in two sections: the first devoted mainly to the formal requirements necessary for the design, operation and maintenance of installations, including risk classification and the official forms which have to be completed. The second section details the rules and good practice and refers to other codes pertinent to the safe use of flammable gases.
For new activities and existing activities with binding occupational exposure limit, Safety Regulation SR-C, General Safety Instruction GSI-C2 and other related General Safety Instructions, including applicable CERN Safety rules and laws, cancel and replace the corresponding provisions of Safety Code G.
For existing activities without binding occupational exposure limit, the organic unit concerned shall implement the provisions of Safety Regulation SR-C, GSI-C2 and other related General Safety Instructions not later than 1 January 2012. Until such implementation, the corresponding provisions of Safety Code G shall continue to apply.

Safety Instruction IS 23 - Criteria and Standard Test Methods for the Selection of Electric Cables and Wires with Respect to Fire Safety and Radiation Resistance (2005) en fr
This instruction is based on the latest standards and recommendations to ensure a very high level of safety against hazards associated with smoke, toxicity and corrosivity from burning plastics. It summarizes the required properties for the different materials and cable types and is applicable to all types of cables and wires and other insulated parts to be used in CERN installations.

Safety Instruction IS 41 - The use of plastic and other non-metallic materials at CERN with respect to fire safety and radiation resistance (2005) en fr
This instruction is intended to ensure a very high level of safety and must be applied to all new installations at CERN, including modifications to existing installations. CERN attaches great importance to the hazards associated with the density, toxicity and corrosiveness of smoke from burning plastics. The document is complemented by tables of standards and specifications for the selection of plastics, and guidelines for their use.

Safety Instruction IS 42 - Compressed gas bottles (1995) en fr
Safety rules for the transport, use and storing of cylinders to avoid fire or explosion hazards.

Safety Instruction IS 48 - Fire prevention for cables, cable trays and conduits (2001) en fr
This safety instruction defines rules and other preventive measures for cable fires. It lists the most common fire risks for cables and conduits. Mandatory precautions are specifically aimed at preventing cable fires in physics experiments where confined spaces, higher vicinity risks and lack of effective electrical protections add up to an increased risk of ignition.

Safety Note NS 3 - Fire Prevention for enclosed spaces in large halls (2001) en fr
Recommendations for the choice of materials, installations and use of these large halls, and reminder of fire prevention actions to be taken.

Safety Note NS 10 - Action to be taken after a fire involving the evolution of corrosive gases (1994) en fr
How to minimize the damages due to a fire before expert help can arrive? This note informs on the first steps to be carried out immediately.

Safety Note NS 14 - Test pressure for wire chambers (1986) en
Wire chambers are often operated with flammable gases, so pressure testing is essential in view of the risk of fire and explosion. The paper specifies a number of considerations to be taken into account.

Safety Note NS 28 - CERN exhibition fire precautions (2002) en fr
This Safety Note is intended to lay down the safety precautions to be respected by exhibitors to ensure the safety of persons present in a CERN building where a temporary exhibition is being arranged.

Safety Note NS 29 - Fire Prevention for Insulating Core (Sandwich) Panel Structures for Inside Use Guidelines For Selection, Installation and Use (2004) en fr
This safety note describes the safety requirements for design, construction and use of insulated core (sandwich) panels structures. It also gives complementary measures for the adoption, as insulating core, of materials whose use is restricted by the Safety Instruction IS 41.

In case of contradiction between Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO 42 version February 2003 (old classification) and Safety rules established according to the classification of SAPOCO rev. November 2006 (new classification) the latter prevail.

Other Documents of interest for the domain of Fire Safety

Safety Bulletin 1994-02 - Work with highly flammable liquids
A fire caused by the combustion of TMP, ignited by sparks, occurred during the dismantling of calorimeter modules. For all work with such liquids, a suitable procedure must be agreed upon with the Chemistry and Gas Section of SC.

Safety Bulletin 1994-01 - Super-insulation made of aluminized mylar - Hazards and precautions
During backing-out of helium transfer lines in the LEP tunnel, a super-insulation burst into flames, releasing an important amount of smoke. Several similar fires have occurred elsewhere, so take the precautions recommended in this bulletin before using or storing these super-insulations.

Safety Form - Fire Permit EDH
To be completed in accordance with Code E.
The paper version can only be used for unplanned/urgent work starting within less than 3 days. en fr

Safety Form C-0-0-1 - Chemical risk assessment en

Safety Form C-1-0-3 - Test of safety showers / eyes washes en

Safety Form C-1-0-4 - Respirator use en

Safety Form C-2-0-1 - Explosion risk assessment en

Safety Form C-2-0-2 - Classification of hazardous areas en

Safety Form C-2-0-3 - Declaration/Cancellation of the use of flammable gas in an experiment area en

Texts and abstracts on these web pages are for information only. Only the Safety rules are legally binding.

Copyright CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research.